Monday, 6 January 2014

No Spend/Project Pan

There is a new 2014 topic on the Vogue Forum for this so I thought I would make a post to keep track of my own.
I have two categories- Full size and samples. This is because I am subscribed to Bellabox, so I get samples every month but it will be good to keep track of them and ensure they don't just sit around being wasted.  My full size/larger size items are mostly moisturizers as I have accumulated quite a few. I need to learn to just buy the smallest size available of these things because I always get sick of them and want something new.
I might add a few more products as I find them or as I decide I want new ones and can't justify it.

Full Size/Larger Samples:
-Bellarize Hand Cream x 3
-Innoxa Hand Cream
-Lacura Aqua Complete facial moisturizer
-Innoxa Facial Moisturizer
-Sukin Facial Moisturizer
-Body Shop Body Butter (Used up today!)
-Aesop Body Balm
-Mirenesse Youth Switch Serum
-Daiso Royal Jelly Serum
-Rokk Ebony Heat Protectant
-Warren Ansell Salon Heat Protectant
-Amalay Make Up Remover Wipes
-Simple Gentle Eye Make Up Remover
-Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil Spot Treatment
-Aphelia Acne Spot Treatment

Sample Products:
-Sukin Facial Moisturizer
-Korean Brand Toner (Used up today!)
-Korean Brand Cleanser
-Palmer's Calming Lotion
-Eslor Soothing Cream
-Avene Facial Moisturizer
-Avene Exfoliating Cream

So those are the main culprits. There will be no buying of random products until these are used up. I have lots of other products to use that I will replace as they are finished that aren't on the list because I don't need to TRY to use them up, but I won't just buy new ones without finishing them. 

When I get through all of the full size products (which given the heat treatments will be a long way away.... ) I want to reward myself with some glitter pigments from Orglamix as I haven't tried any of them from the new line. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it helps! I'm sure I still have little hidden pockets of product in the bathroom, but this is plenty to start with I think!
