Sunday, 29 December 2013

New Year, New Blog!

Hello to the world of blogs and bloggers!

This is my very first blog post and, I hope, the start of many more to come.
My name is Em, I am a teacher at a Melbourne primary school and I am equal parts 10 year old, 25 year old and 80 year old. I like to sew, cook, craft, garden and decorate my house. I also love clothes, make-up, skin care, nails, 'the internet' and shopping (Especially when those last two happen together)!
This blog will have recipes, tutorials, reviews, hauls and whatever else crops up that I would like to share- feel free to suggest ideas for future posts.

So, in getting ready for the new year, I have come up with a few goals for myself. I always like to have goals set for the year, with a few different areas covered so I have something to work towards, but nothing that is too stressful or consuming as I know I just won't stick to it.

Goals for 2014
Financial/Shopping Related:
-Stick to savings plan, this should allow for a good chunk added to my house savings, as well as a decent trip to America next December/January.
-Keep spending outside my budgeted 'needs' to under $100 a week.
-1 new nail polish per term only. I have so many already that I could use a different one every week of the year and still not try them all!  (Click here to go to the page of a great Gelish seller, she has the best customer service and packages the polishes better than I have received them from 'professional' online stores)
-Make-up and skin care product project pan to start, being subscribed to BellaBox will give me the thrill of new things to try, but I have plenty to work through before buying new things. I will also be more motivated to complete reviews for BellaBox to earn points and maybe get some freebie items from their shop.

-Continue to maintain 5:2 diet and find the right variation to allow me to enjoy the health benefits without losing more weight.
-Try to have less sugar in some places, like in my hot tea, especially regular tea with milk- I really don't need it.
-Exercise, this is always the one I don't stick to, but I will aim for 2 training sessions per week during holidays and one session per week during the term. I know this is a very small amount but 2013 has been a very lazy year in that respect, so I want to make an aim I think I have a chance of sticking to. 

Hobbies/Fun Stuff:
-No more hoarding fabric/supplies. In 2014 I want to use up lots of my fabric stash, I have to stop worrying that I will waste it and just enjoy using what I have.
-Handmade gifts, I'm a terrible person when it comes to birthdays and gift giving. This year I really want to create more cards and gifts for people, especially to make use of my Brother Scan'n'Cut, which is so much fun and has so many possibilities.
-Photos, I want to take more photos that aren't just of things I make! I also want to take more photos at work and upload to the school server for the kids to use or take home to show what they do all day. 
-Read more! I want to read all of the Game of Thrones books since I have them, and to be honest that might be enough to keep me going the whole year, but if I can read regularly that will still be a win to me.
-Blogging! I want to make this a regular thing and my goal will be 1 per week minimum. 

Well that should do it for now, thanks for reading!
xo Em ox 

1 comment:

  1. Just came across your blog! Can't wait to follow along, I'm getting back into blogging too!
